
Projects I've been involved in.

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Canvas - A PyTorch Template for Deep Learning Projects

Designed a flexible deep learning project template using pytorch and hydra. The template is based on the agent-environment interface and supports a variety of machine learning tasks.

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Continual Learning for Policy Gradient Methods

Masters Capstone Project

Developed novel incremental learning algorithms to train reinforcment learning agents on a variety of real-world environments.Modified batch-wise policy gradient methods using eligibility traces to eliminate data buffers, particularly for long horizon tasks.

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Solving Optimal Transport using Deep Neural Networks

Project under Prof. Augusto Gerolin, Undergraduate Thesis

Developed gradient-based DNN appoximators to solve the optimal transport problem for high-dimensional data. Aimed to study application of OT in Density Functional Theory (DFT) to study dissociation of atoms.

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Multi-lingual Question Answering

Built an multi-lingual question answering system using the HuggingFace API on syntactic rules from multiple languages. Finetuned BERT on the SQUAD dataset augmented with multiple question variants using back translation.

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Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

Trained large-scale CNNs to predict diabetic retinopathy (an eye disease) from a noisy dataset of retinal images. Generated heatmaps using Grad-CAM to identify parts of the image which had the most impact on model prediction.